Funded Project To find out more about pioneer ministry and what it means to be a full-time pioneer, click here to read our Pioneer Ministry Guide Book.To apply for funding for a pioneer ministry project, please continue below.The closing date for applications is March 31, 2025. Name of Proposed Pioneer Ministry * Summary Proposal * State as clearly as possible, in summary form, what the proposal is and what it seeks to do: Is the proposal approved by the Diocesan Bishop (please forward confirmation of approval) * Yes No Details of Proposer * The Ministry making the proposal and lead contact First Name Last Name Title * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Diocese * Diocese of Armagh Diocese of Cashel & Ossory Diocese of Clogher Diocese of Connor Diocese of Cork, Cloyne & Ross Diocese of Derry & Raphoe Diocese of Down & Dromore Diocese of Dublin & Glendalough Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh Diocese of Meath & Kildare Diocese of Tuam, Limerick & Killaloe Name of Parish/Chaplaincy/Other Ministry (if applicable) * Will the Pioneer Ministry be established by, and subject to, the oversight of the Diocese or a local Parish, Chaplaincy, or other Ministry within the diocese? * Please provide details of the body / ministry establishing the Pioneer Ministry Vision, Values, and Purpose of the Proposed Ministry Story and Background to the Proposed Ministry * Missional - how will the pioneer ministry reach those with little or no connection to church? * Contextual - how is the pioneer ministry shaped to reach the needs of a particular locality or community? * Ecclesial - how will the pioneer ministry seek to grow a new community of faith? * Formational - how will the pioneer ministry be intentional in making disciples (and not just running events or gathering a crowd?) * By year five, our hope is that.... * Governance The Pioneer Ministry may be accountable to an existing body of trustees who will be responsible for the control and direction of its administration (eg. a Parish Vestry or Diocesan Council), or may require the establishment of a new body of trustees to administrate and govern its affairs. It will be important to establish a clear governance structure for the Pioneer Ministry to enable it to flourish. Which of the following best describes the governance model for this proposal? * Diocesan Pioneer Ministry managed by the Diocese Local Pioneer Ministry accountable to Select Vestry/Local Trustees Self-Governing Pioneer Ministry established by Diocese or Parish/Chaplaincy/Other Ministry In each of the following areas, please identify as clearly as possible: Who will be responsible for the employment of the Pioneer? * Who will be ultimately responsible for management, direction and control of the income and/or property of the Pioneer Ministry? * Who will be responsible to ensure compliance with all requirements in relation to Safeguarding? * Will the Pioneer Ministry have to seek charitable status? * Yes No If yes, please confirm proposals to seek charitable status If no, please confirm the charitable status, including Charitable Registration details, of the charitable body responsible for the management, direction and control of the Pioneer Ministry If daily management of the Pioneer Ministry is delegated to a sub-committee/management team please detail how this committee/management team is appointed, its composition, responsibilities, and reporting requirements to the primary body of trustees who retain overall responsibility for management, direction and control of the Ministry * Finance & Budget The central fund for Pioneer Ministry provides a grant up to a maximum limit per annum set by the RB towards costs related to employment, with some funds potentially available towards housing needs, if applicable, and ministry costs. All costs associated with training in years 1-3 will be covered. For more information on grant amounts, please contact our National Director Revd Rob Jones at Please confirm if the sums below are: * Euro Sterling Total Employment Costs (Projected) * inc. Pension Housing Costs (Projected) * Ministry Budget (Projected) * Estimated Total Cost * How much of the Total Cost will be met from Diocesan/Parish/Local Funds? (State the monetary value) Is additional funding being sought from external sources (grant bodies, trusts, public funds)? * If yes, please identify the sums sought and from which bodies, status of current applications and all relevant details? Any other information in relation to funding the Pioneer Ministry? Appointment and Deployment of Pioneer In order to be appointed to an Approved Pioneer Ministry, a person must have completed the Pioneer Ministry Discernment process, be recommended as suitable for Pioneer Ministry, and approved by the Diocesan Bishop. In some instances such a person may already be ministering in some capacity within the proposed ministry, or the proposal may need to 'recruit' from a pool of approved persons. In almost all cases, persons recruited to an Approved Pioneer Ministry role will undertake part-time training and study for Pioneer Ministry (on average 8 hours pw) for three years (completing the Pioneer Ministry Certificate through CITI / Church Army). I confirm that only such persons as have completed the Pioneer Ministry Discernment Process, been recommended as suitable for Pioneer ministry, and are approved by the Diocesan Bishop, will be appointed to the proposed ministry. Select to confirm agreement I confirm that during the first three years of appointment the pioneer will undertake part-time training towards the Certificate in Pioneer Ministry and that sufficient time will be provided as part of their employment to undertake the same. Select to confirm agreement Please confirm who will be responsible for recuitment and appointment processes: Please confirm that the body responsible for recruitment and appointment will adhere to all legal requirements relating to employment law. Select to confirm agreement Please confirm that the body responsible for employment will provide a contract of employment and will be responsible for all matters, legal and financial, relating to that employment. Select to confirm agreement Please confirm that the failure to complete the Certificate in Pioneer Ministry will be included within the contract of employment as a ground for termination of the contract. Select to confirm agreement Please confirm the person and/or the role who will be responsible for line management of the Pioneer: Please confirm that funds provided from the Church of Ireland Pioneer Ministry Fund do not create any legal relationship of any kind between the Representative Body or Pioneer Ministry Council or Pioneer Leadership Team and the person employed as Pioneer Minister. Select to confirm agreement A Pioneer will have a number of important roles inputting into their training and ministry. They will have an academic tutor and a line manager. Further, the Pioneer Ministry Hubs within each diocese, working with the national Pioneer Leadership Team, will provide an accompanier to help the pioneer reflect on their ministry, development and growth. This role is to assist the pioneer in the first instance, and may well act as an important liaison with the diocese and / or parish to help develop the overall ministry Please acknowledge and confirm consent to the appointment of a diocesan pioneer accompanier to journey with the pioneer throughout their deployment and assist with their growth and development. Select to confirm agreement Reporting and Accountability Whether established as a ministry of the diocese, a local parish or chaplaincy, or as a new self-governing ministry, it will be important for the Pioneer Ministry to report regularly on its progress. Further, to help with the growth and development of each particular pioneer ministry, and pioneer ministry across the church as a whole, it will be constructive for such reports to be shared with the Pioneer Leadership Team. Please confirm the proposals for reporting and accountability to the diocese and/or parish/chaplaincy/local ministry * Please confirm consent to such reports being shared with the Pioneer Leadership Team to assist with the growth and development of this particular pioneer ministry and to help shape and inform the growth of pioneer ministry across the whole church: * Select to confirm agreement Tenure, Review and Future Sustainability There will be a number of important markers in time that apply to the appointment & employment of a pioneer, completion of training, and provision of funding. In relation to each of these: What is the proposed probationary period from commencement of employment? Please confirm the proposed term of Contract of Employment, on the understanding that funding from the Church of Ireland Pioneer Ministry Fund will only be available for up to 5 years: Select to confirm attendance It is recommended that the Pioneer Ministry is reviewed between 18-24 months from commencment, and at a minimum after 36 months with a view to considering future sustainability. The national Pioneer Leadership Team, working with Diocesan Hubs, will seek to support this: Select to confirm agreement Please provide details of your own proposals and/or practices for review: * Please provide any details at this stage as to aspirations for sustainability beyond year 5: Thank you for your proposal. The Pioneer Leadership Team will be in contact shortly to send on a copy of your application for your records and to tell you more about the way forward. Under our Terms of Reference all proposals will be considered by the Pioneer Ministry Council, a body appointed by General Synod, which will then make recommendations to the Pioneer Approvals Body to approve funding. We will keep you, your ministry, and this proposal in our prayers as we seek together to reach those with little or no connection to church. Thank you so much for submitting a proposal for a funded project! We’re excited and inspired by the ideas being discussed and suggested all over the island. We’ll send on a copy of your application back to you soon for your records and someone from the Pioneer Ministry Leadership Team will be in touch with over the next few weeks to discuss the project and talk about next steps for your proposal.- The Pioneer Ministry Leadership Team